Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Cycle Day 16 Jochimsthal to Berlin

Another fine day and more fantastic cycle facilities (see below)

We are all big fans of Germany. Here are some of the reasons why. The people are very friendly and helpful, The countryside and the towns are a joy to travel through, Things are well organised (like the trains), They make wonderful bread, The cycling provision is extremely good (cycling is a form of transport and all ages cycle), They have a forward thinking approach to the environment, They have strong local government in the municipalities which makes each town have pride in itself. On the outskirts of Berlin, we catch a train into the centre and the helpful people at the train station arrange an apartment for us - a lovely large bedroom with a bathroom and small kitchen next the Kleine Tiergarten - ideal and only 75 euros per night.

Cycled 52.97 km

Busking earnings - 0

no punctures


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